July 5, 2008


On the Fourth of July Cissy and I went to Marrietta in the evening for their celebration. Steeets downtown were blocked off for the tens of thousands of people to mill around arts & crafts booths, kids to play on giant inflatable toys, and rock climbers to scale a wall hoisted up in the middle of a street.

Stores and restaurants around the Square were open, as well as food and drink vendors on the sidewalks. The park in the center of the Square featured several country music artists. We sat in our folding chairs off to the side of the stage. The park itself became so crowded with people that police had to close it off due to congestion.

The fireworks were simply awesome. For 25 minutes the sky was full of spectacular displays. The grande finale was a blaze of bright color and thunderous explosions.

Tonight we go to the Plum Nelly Campground in Ellijay for their annual covered dish supper with live music. Gonna be some good eating tonight!

This morning I wandered around our property and snapped some photos. Included is a glimpse of the golfers across the creek and the horses next door, along with our porches, front and back yards, and the woods.

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