June 29, 2008


On Friday I repaired a lawn mower my son Seth gave me to use some time ago. I had used it for a good while but I tore up the starter, and it had been sitting idle for over a year. I took it to the home of another son, Bill, for him to have it now. He and his wife Sascha have been married for only six weeks and bought a house about three weeks ago.

I spent the whole afternoon at their house cutting grass and trimming trees. I would have to pick one of the hottest days of the year to do the job! I finished the job with the purchase of some hanging baskets. I think I did a pretty good job . Now the rest is in Bill's hands!
Saturday I felt quite tired with sore muscles for my travail. In the afternoon Cissy and I had the pleasure of joining their friends for a house warming. I am happy for their success!

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