May 27, 2008


On Memorial Day all our children, with their spouses and significant others (one so significant they will be married in October), and grandchildren, had a cookout down by our creek. All told there were 18 of us.

Before we ate I held up a poppy that I had bought from the VFW that morning, and explained the meaning of Memorial Day. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs that were loaded with chili, lettuce, tomato, onions, mustard, ketchup, pickles, etc. to go along with baked beans, potato salad, slaw, and chips. Homemade ice cream and cake fittingly topped off the meal.

Favorite activities were testing out the new swing, tubeing and wading in the creek, chasing through the woods, sword fighting with bamboo poles, and playing in the sprinkler.

Ahhhh ... the sweet taste of liberty in America!

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