February 23, 2008


The Bible is filled with passages of colorful language to give us a hope and a future. Over 30 years ago as a young father I remember reading the words of Psalm 128. A paraphrase of some verses:

“How happy is everyone who fears the LORD and walks in His ways. Your sons will be like young olive plants around your table and you will see your children's children!”

The last week has seen fruit of those words. One day I had lunch with my youngest son Evan on his birthday, in-between his trips to Colorado and Mexico. He introduced me to the Whistle Stop Restaurant with a neat “meat and two” style of home cooking.

Then for several days, my son Seth’s wife Haley and children joined us at the beach. We jumped waves in the cold water of the surf, watched the dolphins swim by, and built sand castles.

Mid-week my oldest son Bill called with exciting news … he is getting married to Sascha Nelson. Bill demurred on Valentine’s Day to make the proposal, but finally two days later he “got up enough gumption” to pop the question and got an affirmative response. A Florida wedding is planned for May 11.

With all my olive trees and young olive plants, I feel like a Roman or Greek of old, a victor crowned with the glory and peace of olive leaves.

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