January 18, 2008


Tonight I went to watch two of my grown sons, Seth and Evan, play indoor soccer. As I drove to the game is was like going down memory lane.

I remember Seth learned to play indoor soccer in Brazil where they called it salão de futebol. Seth was five years old and had never been taught the rules of the game. He kept wanting to hit the ball with his hands. I think he exasperated his Brazilian teammates with all the penalties called against him.

I sat on a bleacher week after week, proud that he kept trying to learn the game. When we returned to the USA several years later, he was well-schooled in the game, and with his speed was a very good forward.

Evan was much bigger than all his teammates through middle school. I remember parents of opposing teams saying someone ought to “card” Evan to prove his age because of his overbearing size.
He was a good fullback and a ferocious goalie. While in high school he was on a team that travelled to Europe to play in soccer tournaments.

Well, it was quite an experience watching all those soccer games while they were growing up. But it is good to know that I still have more games to see them play! The photo below was taken after the game tonight.

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