January 27, 2008


Tonight I went to play basketball with some "seniors" (minimum age is 45). I had played with the group a few years ago but had to stop when I had a schedule conflict.

I tried to play sporadically the last couple of years. Usually my feet and joints ached so bad I would just end up trying to shoot baskets.

I have experimented with pills with different compounds that are supposed to help joints and cartilage. I found a brand a few months ago that seems to be giving me pretty good results.

Tonight I got a little concerned as I approached the gym and saw a warning sign. When I saw the "ride" for one of the guys I wondered what I was in for...
HA! HA! Click on the geezer and watch him go.

When I entered the gym I recognized some of the guys I had played with a few years ago. I was definitely one of the oldest true geezers in the group.

We played full court for two solid hours with just a water break between games. It was fun but exhausting. My goal was not so much play ball but just keep making it up and down the court.

When I pulled on my sweats before leaving the gym, I could hardly move. As soon as I got home I took two ibuprofen (which I wish I had taken before I played). Then I took a bath in hot water with the jets streaming over my aching body. I dragged myself out of the tub and crawled to my lounge chair.

The real test will be to see what kind of condition I am in tomorrow. Whatever the case, I think the feeling of being able to play tonight will bring me back out again ... and again.

Maybe I could borrow one of those little motorized carts to ride up and down the court!

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