January 28, 2008


Last Sunday afternoon our church had Lighthouse meetings. A Lighthouse is a group of nearby church members who come together in a home for about 90 minutes to share scripture, prayer, and food with each other.

I was the leader for a Lighthouse group that met in a home about a mile away. About 16 folks were welcomed with hot and cold drinks, crackers with pimento cheese spread, tiny pastry shells with home-made chicken salad, and cream cheese pound cake with red velvet cake frosting. While enjoying these tasty morsels, everyone had a chance to visit and catch up on news.

Our study topic was “Heirs of Grace Through God’s Open Door,” a theme that our pastor has been expounding on the last three Sundays. We looked at three scripture passages that dealt with:

(1) God’s desire for all humanity to experience His grace,

(2) Jesus Christ being the door to enter God’s grace, and

(3) God being faithful to securely save for all eternity those who rely on His grace.

Various people shared about their faith journey with Christ. In closing we spent time praying for specific needs of people.

Our Sunday School class was another group I had the opportunity to lead earlier in the day. In bible study we examined Luke chapter 12, a passage where Jesus challenges his followers to values that are counter culture.

The essence of Jesus’ teaching at that moment was that what gives us pleasure reveals where we are putting our treasure. If we are in the acquiring greedy mode, we think mostly only of ourselves and building a bigger barn to hold all our “stuff.”

Lack of trust in God to meet our needs is one motivation for accumulating more than we need. At the same time Jesus pointed out that worry is another symptom of not trusting God to provide for basic needs. Over and over again on this occasion Jesus said, “Don’t worry.”

For a little fun I played the Bobby McFerrin song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” For you now I add a video that maybe was not appropriate for our Sunday class. Click on the arrow!

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