November 21, 2007


Last week my grandson Ethan and I bought our first radio-controlled model airplane. On our first test flight we just barely got it off the ground. We did not have the time and space to really fly it. A few days ago I took it over to a nearby school playground to try again by myself before dark.

My first attempts got the plane a few feet off the ground before crashing. Another time I got almost ten feet off the ground but smashed into the side of a building. Finally I got the plane higher than the parking lot lights. I was excited to see this plane could climb some height after all.

Slowly the plane kept gaining more altitude and drifting further away little by little. I tried to carefully toggle the controls to bring it back closer. Yet it kept climbing higher and further away.

It flew over the school fence … over a ravine … past the woods … across the street … beyond some warehouses … and out of sight. As darkness rapidly approached I got in the car and tried to follow the plane’s path. I never found the crash site.

At least one result of the outing was that I realized the school parking lot was an alternative place to rollerblade. I got home at dusk yesterday and dashed over there to “roll” for about 30 minutes. I generally prefer to be on a park sidewalk where I can easily fall in grass if I lose balance.

I get thirsty after rollerblading but usually do not have any water handy to drink. This time I finally remembered to bring along a bottle of water. It was left over from several water bottle distributions I have done with groups in recent weeks. Below is the label I designed for the bottles to illustrate how God desires to quench the deepest desires of our life.

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