November 17, 2007


The 2008 campaign for the White House is in full gear with almost another year before the election. For the last several months I have watched interviews and debates featuring candidates from both major parties.

I have found a candidate that I can support. I hope to have the opportunity to vote for Mike Huckabee. I like his campaign slogan: “Faith Family Freedom.” I like many of his positions on issues.
I find it very hard to understand the stance of some so-called “values voters.” They support men like Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson because they have been perceived as “electable.”

It seems to me that these supporters have sold out their own conservative principles to align with a candidate who does not have their same fundamental beliefs. Furthermore, one presidential tracking poll shows Huckabee has moved into a second place tie nationally among republicans!

Visit Mike Huckabee’s website at
http://www.mikehuckabee.com/ and learn more about him. You can click on any of the issues below and read his positions on:

Faith and Politics
Sanctity of Life
Veterans' Bill Of Rights
Education And The Arts
Health Care
Energy Independence
National Security/Foreign Policy: Iraq
National Security/Foreign Policy: War On Terror
Foreign Policy: Israel
Crisis Management
2nd Amendment Rights

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