November 30, 2007


This week Cissy and I returned home after spending six days at Amelia Island with our dear friends, George and Jane Starke. For well over a year the four of us had talked about a trip together. Finally the time was right and schedules allowed the opportunity.

We enjoyed the sights and sounds of the beach, along with gorgeous sunrises and sunsets and the rise of a full moon. Each day we had long strolls on the beach or just sat in chairs close by the surf. The Ritz Carlton Hotel next door was a sight all decorated for Christmas, including a giant gingerbread house.

We ate at our favorite restaurants in the area … Down Under, Gourmet Gourmet, Barbara Jean’s, 29 South, and Safe Harbor Seafood Market. Safe Harbor is always a special trip with a ferry ride across the St. Johns River. After lunch there we bought tilapia at the market, and cooked a delicious meal at home that night.

Fort George Island with the historic Kingsley Plantation (www.nps.gov/archive/timu/indepth/kingsley/kingsley_home.htm) and the St. George Episcopal Church (http://www.saintgeorgechurch.us/) were special experiences. On the way into the church a chameleon greeted us.

Jane played the piano in the beautiful sanctuary while we were awed at the beauty of the room. No where else have I ever seen a surfer depicted in a church stained glass! A serendipity moment was to buy some unique crafts from around the world at their alternative gift shop.

On Saturday George and I kept ourselves glued to the TV for 12 hours of non-stop college football. Meanwhile Jane and Cissy spent a good bit of that time out shopping. Different strokes for different folks!

Worship at Amelia Plantation Chapel on Sunday morning was inspiring with a challenging message about hell. (http://www.ameliachapel.com/)

Several years ago George and Jane introduced us to the crazy TV show, “Boston Legal.” Since that show did not air this week (writer’s strike?), the gals helped George and me create on our balcony the program’s typical weekly closing balcony scene. You would have to have been present to appreciate the humor of the moment. Ahhhhhhhh … we made good memories on this trip!

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