December 1, 2007


I remember the first time I heard the phrase “making memories.” Actually I do not remember all the details of the situation. What I do remember is that it was a harried, frustrating experience where it seemed like everything was going wrong and nothing would go right.

Ever had a day like that? The harder you try to improve a situation ... the worse it gets! It was at such a moment that a friend cheerfully piped up with the words, “Well, at least you are making memories!”

It is true that some of the most memorable moments in my life are during the unusual, unforeseen, unexpected occasions. Often those memorable events seem very good or very bad. I am “making memories” all the days of my life.

It has been the same for people down through the ages. Moses instructed the people of Israel as they escaped slavery, “remember this day in which you went out of Egypt” so that “you shall tell your son in that day, saying, ‘this is done because of what the Lord did for me when I came up from Egypt.’” (Exodus 13:3,8)

What we learn and pass on from this day will affect others who hear about our lessons and experience in that day. Moses reminded the people that everyday experiences are used to teach great spiritual principles about the Lord our God. (see Deuteronomy 8)

God gives us the gift of the present with all of its trials and triumphs and tragedies so that it may be useful also in the future. My children and future generations will learn from my life. I am an important historical figure!

One of the reasons for this blog is to pass on my “Phill Phine Dings” to my family and friends. Are you passing on oral or written or pictorial traditions for your children and their children to follow? Have they heard the stories of your life … escapades, favorite haunts, helpful friends, heroes, etc.? Do they know what the Lord your God did for you?

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