September 23, 2007


This weekend my wife Cissy and I attended the 30th anniversary celebration of Big Canoe Chapel. On Saturday late afternoon over 600 members and friends of the Chapel gathered under a great white tent set up especially for the occasion. Varied music was followed by several people who shared about the early days of the Chapel with its humble beginnings.

The main speaker, Chaplain Emeritus Dr. Jimmy Allen, spoke of how the Chapel has served as the “heartbeat” of the community and extended its influence around the world. I was asked to request God’s blessing upon the wonderful meal featuring fried chicken, delicious side dishes, and various homemade desserts.

The two worship services on Sunday morning were filled to capacity. Beautiful music and strong preaching gave testimony to the power and grace of God. In between services there was a fellowship time to drink coffee and eat anniversary cake, and visit with folks.

A recurrent theme throughout the celebration proclaimed the great things that can be accomplished when followers of Christ unite their efforts under the power of the Spirit of God.

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