November 13, 2006


Last week I felt the “blahs” in my life. Perhaps it was because I had a cold for over a week. Even though I was getting over the cold, I still felt weak due to lack of exercise. But even worse, I was lethargic spiritually. On Wednesday morning I realized I had been neglecting personal and private time alone with God in the Bible for the last week or so.

Later that day when I began preparing to lead our Sunday School class for the coming Sunday, I opened the booklet to find the topic was “Seeking Renewal.” The text was based on 2 Kings, chapters 22 and 23. The book of the Law was rediscovered by King Josiah and he led the people of Judah in a great service of faithful attentiveness and obedience to the Word of God.

How refreshing and providential for God to show me my own need and confirm to me the solution in the scriptures!

During class on Sunday morning I reviewed the events in the life of Josiah. Then I led our class through the basics of inductive bible study so that they could experience personal renewal and growth in their own spiritual lives.

Directly after class Cissy and I went to the church where her son and family are members. We had the delight to see Walker and Becky dedicate themselves to the bringing up their baby daughter, Ansley Mae, in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Big brothers Will and Aaron stood by their side as witnesses to how their parents have been actively keeping such vows already made for them.

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