November 7, 2006


Last Thursday through Sunday Cissy and I spent a long weekend in Texas. Thursday and Friday morning were spent in Houston at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Cissy had a routine MRI and doctor’s appointment as follow-up to her surgery last year. That surgery was to resect a malignant tumor on the base of her skull. She had radio-surgery a few months later last year to radiate the tumor. (See blog of May 17, 2006, “Challenging Times.”)

The result of this appointment was better than expected, showing that the treatment has been very effective. Praise God! The plan is to return in Houston in six months, and as the results remain positive, future appointments will be at one year intervals. We continue to be amazed at the size and quality of this medical center and the wonders performed by its staff.

We rented a car for the three hour drive to San Antonio. This leg of the trip was for a week-delayed celebration of our third wedding anniversary. Cissy had (still has) a miserable cold that slowed us down a little bit.

Our hotel was on the River Walk and it was a pleasant stroll to the Alamo and Market Square. We marveled at the beauty and history of the downtown. For food we majored at restaurants featuring Tex-Mex.

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