May 22, 2006


Monday night is course night at our church for Cissy and me. She is going through Stephen Ministry training. Stephen Ministry is a complete system for training and organizing lay people to provide one-to-one Christian care to hurting people in and around our congregation. To learn more about it go to:


I am attending “The Alpha Course.” I had heard of Alpha several years ago as a tool used internationally in many contexts (church, school, business, and prisons) to present Christ to people exploring the meaning of life.

Also I knew it was a 15-session practical introduction to the Christian faith. So I knew it would be helpful for seekers, new Christians, church newcomers, or anyone wanting to brush up on the basics of Christianity.

What I did not know until I became a part of this group study is how superbly the course is designed and presented in such an appealing manner.

The format is simple. We have a light meal together to get to know each other. Then we watch a video and discuss the topic by asking questions and expressing opinions.

I was delighted and grieved at the same time when I attended the first session titled, “Who Is Jesus?”

I was delighted to hear such a clear and convincing presentation of the person of Christ.

I was grieved when I thought about the church I left last year as pastor. One of the reasons I resigned was because the leadership could not understand or accept the imperative of knowing and believing that Christ on this earth was God in the flesh.

It pains me and perplexes me when someone who claims to be a Christian does not give Christ the honor and glory and worship due Him. I believe that is why so many people are upset about the book and movie, "The DeVinci Code."

I remember the chairman of the board making fun of me when I told him I could only pastor a church that held to the historic orthodox Christian faith. I hear the buzz word they use now in that church is “acceptance.”

Their stance goes sort of like this: “You have your beliefs and I have mine. Let’s just come together and have a good time.”

If you do not understand the folly of that position, I strongly and kindly urge you to find an “Alpha Course” near you and attend. If you click on the Alpha website below there is a tool for locating a course near you.


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