July 15, 2008


Last Friday night Cissy and I went to the opening worship service for this year’s edition of the Holbrook Camp Meeting. The annual meeting in this location has been held continuously for 170 years. For ten days services are held three times a day, 11 a.m., 3 p.m., and 8 p.m.

Camp meeting is a tradition that has been passed down for generations. Electric ceiling fans keep the air moving under the arbor. The floors are covered in sawdust. Two preachers alternate the services. The songbooks use the old shaped notes. It is a time for revival and evangelism. There are special studies and fellowships for children and youth.

Families stay in one of the 72 “tents” that surround the arbor. Quite a bit of fried chicken and other fine food is consumed, along with a lot of homemade ice cream. Kids have a big time riding their bikes and catching frogs at night. In-between all the preaching is a lot of visiting to renew old friendships. (Thanks to http://www.holbrookcampmeeting.com/ for the photos.)

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