March 16, 2008


We are back at the beach for a few days. Today Cissy and I strolled by the surf. Though the temp was around 80 degrees, the strong wind made it feel much cooler.

Looking out at the vastness of the ocean provokes in me the same response as gazing at a grand mountain vista --- the greatness and immensity of the world. What can I do to make a difference? I am reminded of the story about the starfish. You probably know the story also, but it is always a good reminder for me.

While walking along a beach, a man saw someone in the distance leaning down, picking up something and throwing it into the ocean. As he came closer, he saw thousands of starfish the tide had thrown onto the beach. Unable to return to the ocean during low tide, the starfish were dying.

He observed a young man picking up the starfish one by one and throwing them back into the water. After watching the seemingly futile effort, the observer said, "There must be thousands of starfish on this beach. It would be impossible for you to get to all of them. There is simply too many. You can't possibly save enough to make a difference."

The young man smiled as he continued to pick up another starfish and toss it back into the ocean. "It made a difference to that one," he replied.

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