February 20, 2008


Yesterday as I walked along the beach I curiously watched flocks of birds sitting by the surf.

Groupings of about 100 birds each sat flocked together. There were at least 3 different species, each in their separate flock.

Occasionally, though, one or two stray species would mix in with the group and all seemed peaceful. I was reminded of the segregationalist response of “separate but equal” during the civil rights era.

Each flock reacted to my approach differently. The larger birds (I don’t know names) would mount up in the air quickly, following the lead of the birds closest to me. They would flap their way just a little further down the beach.

The smaller birds would hustle along the sand with their short legs and regroup. They did not seem too concerned or threatened by me.

This morning I noticed a large sail boat down the coast. There were several smaller fishing boats that seemed to be drawing near it, perhaps out of curiosity.

Birds of a feather do flock together. Maybe sometimes they (and us) flock, not because they look alike or even act alike, but because of common interest and even need or pleasure of one another’s company.

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