January 15, 2008


I am not much of a conversationalist. I am encouraged, though, that a conversation involves talking and listening. I guess I am not a great talker, but I am a pretty good listener.

Yet I do find it easy and enjoyable to have a conversation with God. There are times when I have long conversations with God. Usually that is when I spend time reading a long portion of Scripture, and then spend time in prayer. For me prayer is like conversation, there is talking and listening.

Sometimes my conversation God is short and to the point. I have enjoyed working out in the woods the last few sunny days. At the end of the day I like to stand by the creek and watch the sunset. Some of my comments to God are simple, like “Hallelujah” or “I love you, God.”

The Bible is filled with many “minute prayers.”

“Lord, teach me to pray.”

“Speak, Lord, for your servant listens.”

“Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your laws.”

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

“O Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall show forth your praise.”

“Cleanse me from secret faults.”

“Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.”

“Even so, come Lord Jesus.”

I have to remember that prayer is more than talking. It is also listening. The Psalmist reminds me, “Be still and know that I am God.”

After I talk with God, I try to wait quietly and patiently for a response. I read in Isaiah, “In returning and trust you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”

I have found in the presence of God there is calmness, stability, firmness, decisiveness and confidence.

Gotta minute? Talk to God!

But be prepared to listen to what God has to say in reply. You might end up having a long conversation.

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