January 2, 2008


My first day of 2008 at the beach was good. The New Year began at midnight with a great fireworks display that we watched from the balcony of the condo. The hotel next door puts on quite a display.

In the morning I made my first “jog” of the New Year. Years ago never would I refer to going for a jog. I was a serious “runner” who did not simply jog. The image of a jog to me was a slow, undisciplined rambling along. Since these days my ambulation is much more measured and erratic, a jog is an accurate and most acceptable term.

For supper I included turnip greens and black-eyed peas. Hopefully greenbacks (turnip greens) and coins (black eyed peas) will come my way this year. Do you know the story? Below is what I have read.

Back in the days of the Old South, during the time of Southern gentility, and Northern hostility, black eyed peas were used strictly for the feeding of cattle. During the Civil War the Yankee soldiers burned all the crops except for the "cowpeas" which they considered weeds.

The Union army raided all the food supplies and took everything except the "cow peas" stored for the winter. With no supplies coming in the Southerners suffered great deprivations. In desperation they ate those humble "cowpeas" and were lucky to survive the war, thus starting a Southern tradition. Nowadays that is why it is considered good luck to eat black eyed peas on New Years Day.


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