October 17, 2007


Kathleen Casey-Kirschling made the news this week when she applied for Social Security benefits. She is generally recognized as the nation’s first baby boomer. She was born on January 1, 1946, at 12:00:01 a.m.

I am toward the head of the class of baby boomers coming into the “golden age.” Of course, for years I have gotten the AARP marketing material. I have never liked those folks knowing how old I am and frequently reminding me of my age with their solicitations. However, I admit getting older does not seem so bad when I get the “old geezer” rate at movie theaters.

But today was a little rough for me. As I walked into the barbershop I noticed a large sign that informed me today was seniors discount day. Dare I inquire how old I must be to pay $5 less? I confess I did not have the heart to even ask how old you had to be. To tell the truth I guess I did not want to be that old. :-(

Then I went to the grocery store. As the clerk scanned my items, she nodded her head toward a sign in front of me. Quickly I glanced down and saw the large yellow sign with black letters: “60 years and older - 5% discount today.” Since the clerk asked me so discretely, I ’fessed up and told her I qualified.

Yet inside my cool was blown. I have read, and agree with the statement, that baby boomers seem to think we look 10 years younger than we are. Here I am just barely qualifying for the grocery discount, but so quickly and easily I am spotted as a candidate. It must have been the haircut that causes my white hairs to show more prominently!

Just now my wife has just walked in the room. Without knowing what I am writing about she says that I look like a teenager with my knit shirt and jeans.

With her comment I guess I will delay my plans. After today’s experiences I was thinking about getting some gold chains to drape around my neck and unbutton my shirt half-way down my chest.

But I think I might still look into buying a red sports car or a motorcycle. Maybe this baby has not boomed out completely. :-)

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