August 15, 2007


I have not blogged in a few months so I want to make a few updated posts. The first of June I went to Nicaragua with a wonderful bunch of folks to work with Amigos for Christ. www.amigosforchrist.org

Four years ago on a mission trip in Nicaragua I saw a large field that had been bought to build a community. At that time, I saw the atrocious conditions of these people by a garbage dump and sewage treatment facility.

What a delight to visit that field now filled with approximately 120 homes with school and library buildings, farm cooperative, and athletic fields. A concrete slab for basketball and volleyball and soccer was completed just as we arrived. A medical clinic was under construction with plans for a community building and church to be completed this summer.

Our mission for the week was two-fold. In the morning and afternoon we held sports clinics (basketball, soccer, baseball, and even ultimate frisbee). Then in the early evening we helped start a Young Life ministry for middle and high school age students. The purpose in both areas was to meet kids and build relationships of friendship in Christ.

As typical for such endeavors there were lots of serendipity surprises. We had delightful and powerful times of devotion and worship and fellowship as a team. Playing in the strong surf at the beach and climbing an active volcano were neat sidelights.

A big bonanza for me was to have one of my sons and his wife on the trip. It is a joy to partner with God and His children to make this world a better place and help build the kingdom of God.

Below are some photos. Click on first video to see descent from the volcano and the second video to see a cultural dance and the third video to see ocean waves at the beach.

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