January 4, 2010


The news about the infidelity of Tiger Woods to his wife has been sad and shocking.  I can only imagine the hurt and pain for his wife and children. I hope a horrible situation can be redeemed.

Fortunately, for us "common" people, our grievous sins are not as well known and publicly documented. But I, for one, know I am in need of God's great grace every day to cover the multitude of my sins. 

Brit Hume offers a suggestion for Tiger Woods. I realize it might sound brash.


Unknown said...

..."might sound brash?" Hello, understatement! If you've a point to make, maybe using sound bytes from fools isn't the best way to go. Have you heard him spin his way out of this? He's claiming the 'Christian persecution' angle as if being disrespectful of other beliefs is everyone else's problem. It's like he's not content enough to be an idiot, he has to pile on hypocrisy as well. Lucky for him, he works for Fox News, so he probably gets a bonus this week for exemplifying their values..

Phill Ellington said...

Sounds like someone else does not respect the values of others!

Unknown said...

And values would those be?

Unknown said...

That should read "And WHAT values would those be?" Perhaps there's no reply because my omission puzzled you. Or, to give you more credit, perhaps you realized that I wasn't attacking anyone's values, as I was using the word ironically. FNN is a corporation, its only values are measured in dollars. Beyond that, it's a corporation that undermines its own product by peddling ignorance on an network that claims to disseminate information, a contradiction mired in hypocrisy. It is more like a cancer to journalism, and it has infected all of cable news; none of them do their job well anymore.

I'm concerned with the manipulation of Christians as evidenced by reactions to Brit Hume's comments. To be clear, Brit's offense doesn't have anything to do with his faith. Had he said, "Tiger Woods is black, a race I think is incapable of redemption, so maybe he should take a cue from Sammy Sosa and turn himself white," it'd be pretty easy to see the problem. Being white, I'd want as much distance as possible from such a fool, and I certainly wouldn't let him off the hook if his defense was "well, you mention white people and everyone gets upset." Instead, Christians support Brit Hume, a mistake that will lead people further from Jesus, not closer to him.