May 12, 2008


My grandson Ethan and I have some good play days. Our most recent time together a week or so ago followed our typical format

In the morning usually we stop by the aquarium store and see all the awesome fresh and saltwater fishes in stock. At home we eat our favorite lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches.

In the afternoon we work out in the yard and woods, usually with our machetes. The most recent day included some ants getting dissected. Fortunately for the caterpillars they got only a hand inspection on that day. As the weather warms up we get in the creek. Later in the afternoon it is time for refreshments as we watch another episode of Star Wars for the umpteenth time.

Next time when Ethan comes I have a new rope swing to see how high he can fly. I also found some tree branch lopers just his size like he has been wanting. For some small degree of added safety, the machete and lopers stay with me so he does not return home with them to harm his parents shrubbery … or his sisters!

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