February 10, 2008


Technological advances require us to acquire new skill sets. Thus it has always been so. Click the arrow on the video below.

After being at Sunday School and worship today, I wonder if some of my friends need help with this “new technology” of the Bible being in book form. Hmmm, to be honest, judging from the use of my Bible, I guess I might need a call to the help desk myself.

Maybe though, if I exert a little time and effort, I can get the book open and read the transforming truths that will change my life.

That thought ties in with our Sunday School lesson today. In Luke 13 Jesus challenged his listeners to stop worrying about why bad things happen to good people. Instead he said you need to examine your my own life and repent.

To further encourage repentance Jesus told a parable about an unfruitful fig tree. The gardener interceded before the owner to give him one more year to dig and fertilize, and see if the tree would be useful for its purpose to bear fruit.

Thank you, God, for your grace. Thank you for your patience with me. May your Spirit work in my life to loosen up that which binds me. May I be nurtured with words and deeds to grow and be fruitful. Thank you for helping me and holding me accountable to be fruitful. Amen!

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