December 3, 2006


Sunday was a wonderfully worshipful day. In our Bible study group the text was the first chapter of Colossians that describes the Cosmic Christ who is before all and in all and over all.

At the morning worship service my wife Cissy and I had the honor to light the candle for the first week of Advent. The scripture reference was from Jeremiah 33 about the long expected Branch of Righteousness.

The service of communion with the Lord’s Supper was especially meaningful to celebrate the presence of Christ in our community of faith. An extra bonus for us was to have some friends from Lake Arrowhead present with us.

Then this afternoon the Cherokee Chorale, along the chorus from Woodstock High School, presented a marvelous and moving concert featuring compositions for the Christmas season. The climax was the "Hallelujah Chorus."

When the human spirit is infused by the Divine, what a remarkable experience!

Today we worshipped the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who reigns forever and ever!

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