November 2, 2006


Two weeks ago I visited a friend of mine, Bill Lumpkin, who lives just outside the Shenandoah Park in Virginia. The almost ten hour drive on a very rainy day was quite dreary. But early the next morning I was rewarded with a beautiful view of fog burning off the valley below.

Bill’s rustic and small mountain cabin, called Bethel for several family generations, was the base of much activity for the next two days. We had several hiking forays in the woods, helped a young man from Indonesia get his car repaired, visited a family with nine children for lunch, and ate dinner with a couple who direct the Christian worship ministry in the Shenandoah Park.

Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” When Bill and I strike conversation there is usually a lot of sparks that fly. We have some intense differences of opinion, but we are dear brothers in Christ. As I departed for home we both believed our spirits had been refreshed.

The drove home was stunningly magnificent as I drove 350 miles along the Blue Ridge Parkway. The fall colors were at their peak. A lovely delight was to stop by a rural church and see a most beautiful and creative fresco depicting the Last Supper.

Another friend painted Mabry Mill on the Parkway for me some years ago. It was a joy to stop there to see it again “live.”

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