June 18, 2006


Last week my wife and I joined three of our five children, plus two spouses and five grandchildren, for a great time on the Florida Gulf Coast. We rented a spacious three floor oceanfront home.

Food was great. Each morning from our chef children we were served eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and pancakes. Typical lunch fare was sandwiches. Most nights we ate lots of seafood, with burgers and pizza and spaghetti filling in other nights.

Daytime activities centered on the swimming pool and beach. In the evening after dinner we gathered our nets and flashlights and caught crabs in the surf.

Early in the week it looked like the first tropical storm of the season might affect us negatively. However, the powerful waves cleared out the algae that was discoloring the water close to shore.

Unfortunately I had a bad cold for several days followed by trouble on both ends of my digestive system. Nevertheless, everybody was patient with me and I still managed to gain five pounds.

Most of all we made some marvelous memories together as a family!

1 comment:

Dr. James Kilgore said...

Just read your family vacation segment. Beautiful family - that little blond is a beauty. Jim